Annual reviews

As part of its public accountability, EFRAG publishes every year an Annual Review that provides insights into its activities in the period, a governance report and some financial h​ighlights. The Annual Review also includes a message of the President of the EFRAG Board and a full report of th​e EFRAG TEG Chairman and CEO. Click on the icon of your choice and be given access to the annual review of the corresponding year.


Annual Review 2023

EFRAG releases today its Annual Review 2023 providing insights on the main achievements of the organisation in the past year and the important developments that took place for both the Financial and Sustainability Reporting fields in the first half of 2024.

Annual review 2005

EFRAG objectives
Proactive input to IASB and IFRIC
Endorsement advice to the EU Commission
Advice on EU Accounting Legislation

Annual review 2004

EFRAG Objectives
Proactive input to IASB and IFRIC
Endorsement advice to the EU Commission and ARC
Advice on the Accounting Directives