Role of the ESRS Digital Reporting Consultative Forum (ESRS DRCF)

The ESRS Digital Reporting Consultative Forum (ESRS DRCF) advises EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board (EFRAG SRB) and EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG SR TEG) on their activities related to digital reporting and, as such, contribute towards the goal of EFRAG to develop and maintain an XBRL Taxonomy of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

ESRS Digital Reporting Consultative Forum composition

Members and individual observers of the ESRS DRCF are have been appointed by EFRAG SR TEG. They are drawn from a variety of business and geographical backgrounds, with a proven experience in digital reporting. In addition the ESRS DRCF welcomes as observers XBRL Europe, ESMA.

The Members and Observers of the EFRAG ESRS DRCF are (please click on Members' names to view their profiles):

Overview members