​Chartered Accountant and Auditor in Milan, AIAF Member (Italian Association for Financial Analysis) since 1993 I’m also Head of Sustainability and “ESG Observatory” for AIAF, which deals with all topics about Sustainable Finance and I’m a strong proponent that climate change impacts financial investment decisions.

My professional commitments concern all issues related to Sustainability, particularly the risks and opportunities connected to a transitioning to a low carbon and climate resilient economy.

Other knowledge: financial analysis of the methodology to identify and communicate the intangible assets and liabilities, the environmental, social and governance factors (ESG) the GRI Sustainability Report and the Integrated Report according to the IIRC framework.

I’m author and co-author of many books and a lot of essays, published in several management and economic journals about Sustainable Finance and intangible assets and have been the keynote speaker at university masters and conferences planned on these fields by national and international organization.

Andrea Gasperini

Working groups

European Lab PTF on Climate-related Reporting (PTF-CRR) (no longer active)