In his role of Executive Vice President, Bonifacio is the Head of Group Accounting & Regulatory Reporting for UniCredit Group, as well as UniCredit S.p.A. Among the other tasks, his Area is responsible for the accounting interpretations to be followed at Group level, as well as their presentation to the corporate constituencies. the preparation of Financial Statements according to IAS/IFRS, the remittance of Statistical and Prudential Reporting, and the preparation of Pillar III document also fall within his responsibility.
Bonifacio has significant experience in accounting and regulatory requirements, and support to strategy in business transactions / deals.
Before joining UniCredit in 2011, Bonifacio spent more than 10 years at Ernst & Young, serving in financial services sector, where he dealt with a large number of complex projects, including the transition to IFRS standards.
Here is also Member of the BIRD initiative steered by the European Central Bank.

Bonifacio Di Francescantonio

Working groups

EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group (EFRAG FIWG)