​Jose Luis Daroca is a partner at Deloitte in Spain. Member of Deloitte´s Global IFRS and Offerings Group (GIOS) since 2006, he is specialized in the application and implementation of complex accounting standards under IFRS and US GAAP like revenue recognition, financial instruments, leases, consolidation, and others; He has experience in audit, accounting advisory and capital markets offerings in a range of industries, including power & utilities, telecom, technology and financial services.

He worked for three years at Deloitte USA in New York, and for two years at Deloitte Brazil audit practice in Sao Paulo office. Jose Luis is a member of the IFRS Centre of Excellence of Deloitte Spain and represents the Spanish Firm in Deloitte´s Global IFRS Leadership Team (GILT). Member of the EFRAG´s Rate-regulated Activities Working Group from May 2017.

He has a Degree in Economics and Business Administration and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the U.S. and in Spain.

Jose-Luis Daroca

Working groups

EFRAG Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group (EFRAG RRAWG)