Karin Eisenhut is Team Leader Accounting Policies and Procedures in DZ BANK, Germany, and in charge for DZ BANK Group’s accounting policy work since February 2015. In this role, she is actively involved in the assessment of accounting related issues (especially with regard to financial instruments) as well as preparation of opinions on IASB exposure drafts and other accounting related regulations.

Karin has more than 15 years professional experience working as lawyer, tax counsellor, auditor and accounting expert. Before joining DZ BANK in 2008, she worked for KPMG with particular focus on financial industry services clients.

Karin is member of several accounting-related working groups (WG) such as WG Accounting of the European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB) and WG IFRS of the Association of German Public Banks (VöB). Since 2016, she has been a member of the EFRAG Financial Instrument Working Group (FIWG).

Karin Eisenhut

Working groups

EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group (EFRAG FIWG)