Dr. Kati Beiersdorf, CPA represents the German country liaison member of EFRAG SR TEG. She is Technical Director at the DRSC (Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee – Accounting Standards Committee of Germany) where she is working in the area of sustainability reporting. One of her main topics is sustainability reporting for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Other focus areas include industry-specific requirements for sustainability reporting as well as ISSB and SASB standards.

Before joining the DRSC, Kati was a member of the German Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel. Other former work professional experience includes the International Reporting Group of RBS (now Mazars, as a project leader), DRSC (project manager) and internal auditing in a bank. She has worked in standard setting for many years and, inter alia, has served in the IASB international working group for small and medium-sized entities, and EFRAG’s working group on that topic.

Kati holds a diploma (equiv. Master’s degree) from the Humboldt University Berlin and obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Technology Berlin with a dissertation on sustainability in financial reporting. Kati is a CPA licensed in Washington State, USA. Kati regularly publishes papers in professional journals covering various topic related to sustainability reporting.

Kati Beiersdorf

Working groups

EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG SR TEG)