Martin Svitek works as a senior expert at Group Accounting department of Erste Group which he joined in 2005. In this position, he has been in charge of developing accounting policies, commenting on IASB and EFRAG consultations and projects with focus on financial instruments topics. In 2014 he joined EFRAG Secretariat where he spent two years and was involved in IFRS 9 endorsement and dynamic risk management projects.

Martin is member of the EFRAG Financial Instrument Working Group. He is also member of the Accounts and Audit Committee of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group. He also leads the group's Task force on macro hedging.

He obtained his PhD and master's degree at the University of Economics in Bratislava. His publication activities include a book on financial instruments under IFRS and articles on accounting, banking and national economy.

Martin Svitek

Working groups

EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group (EFRAG FIWG)