EFRAG EFFAS ABAF/BVFA IASB Joint Outreach Event - Business Combination, Goodwill & Impairment

12/11/2020 - 12/11/2020
17:00 - 19:00
Online Webinar


​On 12 November2020, EFRAG, EFFAS, ABAF/BVFA and the IASB held a webinar on the IASB Discussion Paper: Business Combinations: Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment to discuss the implications of the IASB proposals for the investors’ community.

The objective was to collect input from the investors’ community and observe if investors views differ from other stakeholders.​

Meeting news

Meeting documents

EFRAG EFFAS presentation.pdf
Goodwill ABAF EFFAS IFRS EFRAG programme 12 November.pdf
Participants list.pdf
Speakers bio.pdf

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