EFRAG FR TEG Physical Meeting 1 July 2024

01/07/2024 - 01/07/2024
11:00 - 19:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)

Live webcast

Watch the live webcast or the on-demand recording at a later stage.

Meeting news

Meeting documents

04-01 Cover note - EFRAG FR TEG 23-07-01.pdf
Cover Note
04-02 EFRAG draft DP on the statement of cash flows for 1 July 2024 EFRAG FR TEG meeting.pdf
Proactive paper
04-03 Contractor's presentation on the issues of the Statement of Cash Flows.pdf
External presentation for meeting
04-04 Contractor's draft report on the issues with the statement of cash flows EFRAG FR TEG 24-07-01.pdf
External paper for meeting
05-01 Issues paper on the use of EFRAG Academic Panel by EFRAG FR TEG.pdf
Issues Paper
06-01 - PIR IFRS 9 Impairment - Cover note - EFRAG FR TEG 24-07-01.pdf
06-02 - PIR IFRS 9 Impairment - Credit risk disclosures - feedback analysis - EFRAG FR TEG 24-07-01.pdf
06-03 - PIR IFRS 9 Impairment - Other matters - EFRAG FR TEG 24-07-01 .pdf
07-01 - Issues paper on Updating SwPA - EFRAG FR TEG 24-07-01.pdf
Issues Paper