EFRAG FRB meeting December 2022

21/12/2022 - 21/12/2022
09:30 - 16:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Board

Running order

PIR Team
Chiara Del Prete

Meeting news

Meeting documents

07-01 PFS - Cover note - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
07-02 PFS - Summary Report and Recommendations - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
07-03 PFS - Letter to the IASB - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
08-01 Cover note - IAS 1 amendments - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Cover Note
08-02 DEA -Letter to the EC Providing Advice - Amendments to IAS 1 - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
08-03 DEA - Invitation to comment - Amendments IAS 1 - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
08-04 DEA - IAS 1 amendments - consolidated amendments - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Issues Paper
09-01 - Cover note RRA - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Cover Note
09-02- Features of different regulatory schemes (IASB document) - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
IASB document
09-03 - Regulatory Assets and Regulatory Liabilities - Update on IASB tentative decisions - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Issues Paper
10-01 - PIR IFRS 15 - EFRAG FRB - 22-12-21.pdf
11-01 IAS 12 Amendment - Cover note - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
11-02 IAS 12 International Tax Reform IASB slides - EFRAF FRB 2022-12-21.pdf
12-01 - Goodwill and Impairment - Project Update - Cover note - EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Cover Note
12-02 - Goodwill and Impairment - Project Update on Disclosures- EFRAG FRB 22-12-21.pdf
Issues Paper
12-03 - Goodwill and Impairment - Subsequent accounting for goodwill-Issues paper - FRB 22-12-21.pdf
13-01 Amendments to IFRS 9 CM - Project update - FRB 22-12-21.pdf

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