EFRAG FRB Meeting June 2022

01/06/2022 - 01/06/2022
10:30 - 15:05
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Board

Meeting news

Meeting documents

05-01 Cover note - Variable consideration - EFRAG FRB 22-06-01.pdf
05-02 Presentation of EFRAG draft Discussion Paper on variable consideration.pdf
05-03 EFRAG Draft Discussion Paper.pdf
06-01 - Agenda consultation - Cover note - EFRAG FRB 22-06-01.pdf
06-02 - Agenda consultation - Recommendations of new projects for EFRAG proactive research agenda - EFRAG FRB 22-06-01.pdf
07-01- Financial instruments with ESG features - an update - FRB 01.06.2022.pdf
08-01 - Technichal Work Plan - Board 22-06-01.pdf