EFRAG SR TEG Meeting 06 September 2022

06/09/2022 - 06/09/2022
16:00 - 20:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG SR TEG)

Meeting documents

04 - 01 - ESRS Approach to materiality - EFRAG SR TEG 6 September 2022.pdf
04 - 02 - ESRS Approach to materiality - EFRAG SR TEG 6 September – background Issue paper in sector agnostic ESRS.pdf
04 - 03 - ESRS Approach to Materiality - EFRAG SR TEG 6 September 2022 - background EFRAG SRB 15 August 2022 5.01.pdf
04 - 04 - ESRS Approach to Materiality - EFRAG SR TEG 6 September 2022 - illustration 2021 GRI index CISCO.pdf
05-01 Issues paper Corruption events or incidents re upload SR TEG 220906.pdf
Issues Paper
06-01 Time horizons in ESRS 1.pdf
07 - 01 Issues paper Subsidiary exemption SR TEG 6 September 2022.pdf
Background for 05-01- Undertaking obligations re disclosures on internal investigations of corruption and bribery events GRI paper SR TEG 22-09-06.pdf