EFRAG TEG meeting 19 January 2021

19/01/2021 - 19/01/2021
10:00 - 16:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)

Meeting news

Meeting documents

07-01 - IAS 1 Amendments - Cover note - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Cover Note
07-02 - IAS 1 Amendments - IFRS IC Discussion - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Issues Paper
07-03 - IAS 1 Amendments - Comment letter analysis - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Comment Letter Analysis
07-04 - IAS 1 Amendments - FEA without IFRS IC - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
07-05 - IAS 1 Amendments - Proposals to the DEA with IFRS IC - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
07-05.A - IAS 1 Amendments - Proposals to the DEA with IFRS IC (TC) - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
08-01 - Pension Benefits Research - Issues Paper - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
08-02 - ap6-pension-benefits-that-vary-with-asset-returns (for background) - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
09-01 - Post implementation review IFRS 9 - EFRAG TEG 21-01-19.pdf
10-01 Cover Note - Management Commentary Practice Statement - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Issues Paper
10-02 Issues Paper - Management Commentary Practice Statement - TEG 21-01-19.pdf
Issues Paper

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