EFRAG TEG-CFSS meeting July 2020

01/07/2020 - 01/07/2020
11:00 - 19:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)

Running order

Meeting news

Meeting documents

06-01 Onerous Contracts - Questionnaire - TEG-CFSS 20-07-01.pdf
Internal Note
07-01 Issues paper on outreach activities with national standard setters on Business Combinations.pdf
Issues Paper
07-02 Goodwill and Impairment Project - Presentation on EFRAG's DCL EFRAG TEG-CFSS 20-07-01 (background purposes).pdf
Other EFRAG Secretariat Paper
08-01 - Issues paper on BCUCC - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 20-07-01.pdf
Issues Paper
09-01 - Primary Financial Statements - Cover note - CFSS 20-07-01.pdf
09-02 - Primary Financial Statements - Issues Paper - CFSS 20-07-01.pdf
10-01 - Project update - IASB project on regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities- EFRAG TEG-CFSS 20-07-01.pdf
Issues Paper
10-02 - BACKGROUND PAPER - Key messages EFRAG DCL- IASB project on regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities- EFRAG TEG-CFSS 2020-07-01.pdf
Issues Paper
11-01 Issues paper - Extractive Activities - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 20-07-01.pdf
Issues Paper

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