EFRAG and Shift: milestone statement of cooperation

​Pursuing its work towards international sustainability reporting convergence, EFRAG Project Task Force on European sustainability reporting standards (PTF-ESRS) signed a milestone Statement of Cooperation with Shift. Read the detailed press release here.

In its mission to elaborate European proposals for sustainability reporting standards, the EFRAG PTF-ESRS is establishing enhanced working relationships with relevant international initiatives under a partnering and co-construction spirit, which is a key dimension of its action plan.
Today, the PTF-ESRS is delighted to announce the signing of a Statement of Cooperation with Shift. Shift’s work and experience on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, helping global organisations and businesses to integrate them into their activities, is internationally renowned.
Both organisations will put together their experience and expertise to encourage the swift development of European sustainability reporting standards in the social domain and at the same time the progress of converged standards at international level. The PTF-ESRS is convinced that both organisations will as a consequence progress faster and deeper towards their common and respective goals.
Each organisation will contribute to key technical projects of its counterpart in the social domain.
The PTF-ESRS looks forward to establishing cooperation arrangements with other leading international initiatives, including the IFRS Foundation.​
Read the detailed press release here.