EFRAG Financial Reporting TEG New Composition

​​EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG) welcomes Andrea Lionzo, An Lommers and Peter Ujvari as new members & reappoints other members up for rotation, including Jens Berger as Vice-Chair, for a further mandate starting on 1 April 2024. 

The EFRAG Financial Reporting Board has approved the new composition of the EFRAG FR TEG. Three new members have been appointed starting on 1 April 2024: Andrea Lionzo, An Lommers and Peter Ujvari. Four EFRAG FR TEG members who are up for rotation have been renewed for a further mandate starting on 1 April 2024: Carmen Barrasa Ruiz, Aranzazu Leo Abad, David Prochazka, and Christophe Schauerte.
EFRAG is grateful to Jens Berger, who continues his role as EFRAG FR TEG Vice-Chair for two years.
EFRAG thanks Emmanuelle Gyomard and Erlend Kvaal, who are retiring from EFRAG FR TEG, for their valuable contribution for so many years to EFRAG’s financial reporting activities. A special thanks to Erlend Kvaal for chairing the EFRAG Academic Panel for four years.
The new composition of EFRAG FR TEG as from 1 April 2024 is:

  • Sebastien Harushimana, Accountancy Profession, Belgium – EFRAG FR TEG Chair
  • Jens Berger, Accountancy Profession and Financial Instruments Specialist, Germany – EFRAG FR TEG Vice-Chair
  • Carmen Barassa Ruiz, Accountancy Profession, Spain
  • Dennis Jullens, User
  • Sylvie Koppes, Accountancy Profession, Netherlands
  • Aranzazu Leo Abad, Banking and Financial Instruments Specialist, Spain
  • Andrea Lionzo, Academic, Italy
  • An Lommers, Corporate Industry, Belgium
  • Małgorzata Matusewicz, Accountancy Profession, Poland
  • Pierre Phan Van Phi, Accountancy Profession, France
  • David Prochazka, At large, Czech Republic
  • Christoph Schauerte, Corporate Industry, Germany
  • Massimo Tosoni, Insurance Specialist, Italy
  • Peter Ujvari, Corporate Industry, Hungary

Country Liaison

  • Tommaso Fabi: Technical Director, Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC), Italy
  • Ilka Canitz: Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG)
  • Pierre Martin: Technical Director, l'Autorité des normes comptables (ANC), France