EFRAG FRB new composition and EFRAG SRB new member

The EFRAG General Assembly approved the new composition of the EFRAG Financial Reporting Board (EFRAG FRB) effective 1 May 2024. The EFRAG FRB welcomes Anna Vidal and Carlos Moreno as new members & reappoints the other members, including Serge Pattyn as Vice-Chair, for a further mandate starting on 1 May 2024. The EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board (EFRAG SRB) welcomes new member Thomas Roulland, who replaces Tegwen Le Berthe.

On 17 April 2024, the EFRAG General Assembly approved the new composition of the EFRAG Financial Reporting Board (EFRAG FRB) effective 1 May 2024 for a term of 3 years. The EFRAG FRB welcomes Anna Vidal (representing the banking sector) and Carlos Moreno (representing ICAC, Spain) as new members & reappoints the other members up for rotation, including Serge Pattyn as Vice-Chair of the EFRAG FRB, for a further mandate starting on 1 May 2024.

EFRAG thanks Rosa Bruguera (banking sector) and Maria Dolores Urrea Sandoval (ICAC, Spain), whose six-year maximum terms on the EFRAG FRB expired, for their valuable contributions to EFRAG.

EFRAG welcomes Jean Medernach (BETTER FINANCE) on the EFRAG FRB observer seat for European organisations representing private investors.

The new composition of EFRAG FRB as from 1 May 2024 is:

  • Wolf Klinz, EFRAG FRB Chair
  • Serge Pattyn, EFRAG FRB Vice-Chair, user sector

European Stakeholder Organisations

  • Olivier Scherer, accountancy profession sector
  • Anna Vidal, banking sector
  • Michael Fechner, corporate sector
  • Roman Sauer, insurance sector

National Standard Setters

  • Marie Seiller, member Board ANC (France)
  • Sven Morich, Vice-President ASCG (Germany)
  • Simone Scettri, Vice-chair of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Accounting Standards Technical Committee OIC (Italy)
  • Gerhard Prachner, member AFRAC (Austria)
  • Sadi Podevijn; Secretary General CNC-CBN (Belgium)
  • Martin Thygesen, member DASC (Denmark)
  • Gerard van Santen, Chairman DASB (Netherlands)
  • Carlos Moreno, member ICAC (Spain)
  • Fredrik Walmeus, member SFRB (Sweden)


  • EC, ESMA, EBA, EIOPA and the ECB
  • European Organisations representing private investors ("end users"): Jean Medernach

The EFRAG General Assembly appointed Thomas Rouland as member of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board (EFRAG SRB). Thomas Roulland represents the asset management sector (EFAMA) in the European Stakeholder Organisations Chapter of the EFRAG SRB. He replaces Tegwen Le Berthe. EFRAG is grateful for the contributions and expertise Tegwen Le Berthe brought to the EFRAG SRB during his membership.