EFRAG PTF-RNFRO report wins a prize at the ISAR Honours 2023

EFRAG is pleased to announce that the report "Towards Sustainable Businesses: Good Practices in Business Model, Risks and Opportunities Reporting in the EU " developed by the PTF-RNFRO, co-chaired by Dawn Slevin and Mario Abela, was selected for this year's session of ISAR Honours.Watch Dawn Slevin's message delivered at this occasion here.

EFRAG congratulates its European Lab Project Task Force on the reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and the linkage to the business model (PTF-RNFRO) and its co-chairs Dawn Slevin and Mario Abela for the success of their report "Towards Sustainable Businesses: Good Practices in Business Model, Risks and Opportunities Reporting in the EU" that was selected as one of the prize winners in this year's session of International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR) Honours among 70 initiatives from all over the world.

The report presents the state of play and the drivers of current reporting practices, the application of technological solutions, and suggests a path to improvement in the reporting of sustainability risks, opportunities and their linkage to the business model with the overall objective of helping companies to benchmark and improve their current reporting practices.

The ISAR Honours 2023 Ceremony followed the UNCTAD's Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on ISAR 40th session, part of the World Investment Forum 2023. The Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR) is dedicated to assists member states to improving quality and international comparability of financial reporting and non-financial disclosure, such as environmental issues, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility and features global leaders, government ministers, CEOs & other stakeholders meeting to revitalise investments to meet development needs.

Co-chair of the PTF-RNFRO Dawn Slevin expressed her gratitude in a video displayed during the ceremony: