In charge of investment decisions? More time to participate in our study!

EFRAG and ICAS have extended the interview period for the study on the usage of financial information to the end of February 2015.

In December 2013, EFRAG and ICAS published a literature review on the use of information by capital providers. The literature review was performed by a team of academics from different parts of Europe. One of the purposes of the literature review was to find out what information users of financial statements find useful in order to be able to base standard setting on facts rather than beliefs about what information is useful.
One of the conclusions of the literature review was that not much direct evidence exists on how financial statements are used by major capital providers. EFRAG and ICAS have therefore decided to sponsor an empirical study on the use of financial information by professional investors.

The study aims to inform the debate on the IASB Conceptual Framework by assessing professional investors' opinions of financial reporting information. Improved understanding of such issues can assist in the efficient allocation of capital, yet to date, research in this area is relatively limited.

For this study EFRAG and ICAS are looking for users who are either currently working, or have had experience in the recent past, as buy-side analysts, fund managers or, by other means, have had experience with investment decisions.
The participants will be interviewed based on a short fictional case study. The interview will take around 45 minutes and does not require any preparation time or specific knowledge of accounting standards.

The researchers will meet the participants at their workplace or another place chosen by the participant, at a time that is convenient for the participants and all responses will be confidential.
The interviews are expected to be conducted before the end of February 2015.

Having a better understanding of the information usage, processes and needs should allow standard setters to take user needs into account in an evidence-based standard setting process. EFRAG and ICAS therefore believe that the study is important and hope to hear from users meeting the criteria above who will be willing to participate in the study.

Please write to Rasmus Sommer ( or Saskia Slomp ( if you would volunteer to participate in the study or have any questions regarding it.