Join EFRAG’S sector-specific communities supporting the development of draft sector-specific ESRS

EFRAG is reactivating the sector-specific communities created in 2022 and invite newcomers with an interest in participating in the development of draft sector-specific ESRS to join as well. EFRAG will be organising workshops for the sector-specific communities in the course of autumn 2023.Fill in this form if you want to join the EFRAG Sector Community.

​As a part of its work on preparing draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), EFRAG develops draft sector-specific ESRS.

Hearing the voice of various stakeholders is a fundamental part of our process. For this reason, EFRAG is reactivating its sector-specific communities. This allows a wide range of external participants to provide EFRAG’s Sustainability Reporting writing teams with inputs, comments and contributions to the development of draft sector-specific ESRS.

Our current multi-year work plan covers high impact and financial institutions sectors. You can register now for the following sectors:

  • Agriculture, Farming and Fishing

  • Food and Beverage Services

  • Mining, Coal and Quarrying

  • Motor Vehicles

  • Oil and Gas

  • Power Production and Energy Utilities

  • Road Transport

  • Textiles, Accessories, Footwear and Jewellery

Capital markets/investments, Insurance, Lending and Banking will be open for registration at a later stage.

EFRAG warmly invite all the industry specialists who are not part of the EFRAG sector-specific communities currently and wish to join and interact with the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting writing teams through dedicated workshops, email exchanges, and outreach events happening during the drafting process.

What to expect when joining EFRAG’s sector-specific communities?

The EFRAG sector-specific communities include stakeholders interested in contributing to the development of draft ESRS for any given sector. EFRAG sector-specific communities consist of enterprises preparing sustainability reports, financial institutions, non-governmental organisations, academics and researchers, civil society members, as well as any other organisations with a particular interest in a specific sector.

The EFRAG Sustainability Reporting team plans to interact with the sector-specific communities using a variety of tools, such as emails, surveys, webinars, or collaborative events allowing the members to express their feedback. During the interactions, we will inform the participants about the progress of our works and ask for feedback on specific sector matters. EFRAG will be organising workshops for the community members in the course of autumn 2023.

The interactions will be communicated ahead and announced with an appropriate agenda. The outreach events may be relating to general sector characteristics, or address specific aspects related to draft sector-specfic standards development, such as:

  • Development process, planning and expectations;

  • Reporting practices, standards, public and private initiatives relevant for the sector;

  • Mapping pertinent legislation, regulation and policy initiatives;

  • Sustainability matters relevant for the sector;

  • Disclosure requirements discussion;

  • Other matters such as discussion on a particular drafting question

How to join an EFRAG sector-specific community?

To become a member of an EFRAG sector-specific community, please fill in this form.

We look forward to interacting with you!