Launch of the EFRAG Connectivity Advisory Panel - Composition and related community

​​EFRAG FR TEG approved the composition of the EFRAG Connectivity Advisory Panel (EFRAG CAP) and welcomed the establishment of the EFRAG Connectivity Community. EFRAG CAP will advise EFRAG FR TEG on the proactive research project on the connectivity between financial reporting and sustainability reporting information. 

​In May 2023, EFRAG FR TEG approved the composition of the EFRAG CAP as recommended by the EFRAG Administrative Board supported by its Extended Nominating Committee.

The objective of EFRAG CAP is to advise EFRAG FR TEG on EFRAG’s proactive research project on the connectivity between financial reporting and sustainability reporting information. EFRAG CAP members will share their perspectives and practical experience regarding connectivity matters, and help EFRAG identify, assess and prioritise connectivity themes, identify related good reporting practices and develop possible approaches to enhance connectivity.

The role, competencies, composition, and modus operandi of the EFRAG CAP are described in its Terms of Reference.

EFRAG’s call for candidates resulted in a large number (about 150) of high-quality applications.

EFRAG has also decided to establish the EFRAG Connectivity Community which is planned as a virtual group that will contribute on an as needed basis to EFRAG activities on connectivity. Although certain details are still to be decided, in broad terms we envisage that the members of the EFRAG Connectivity Community will receive periodic updates on EFRAG’s activities on connectivity and may be contacted with a request for specific input on an issue EFRAG and its EFRAG CAP are working on. In that way, EFRAG can enhance its interaction and cooperation with stakeholder and recognise the very high number and quality of applications we received.

Stakeholders with an interest in financial and sustainability reporting, are invited to join this community. It is still possible to join the Community by expressing an interest (including CV) to connectivityproject @

The composition of the EFRAG CAP is as follows:

Chair: Jens Berger - EFRAG FR TEG Acting Chair

Members (in alphabetical order):



​Mario Abela

​Value Balancing Alliance

​Martijn Bos


​Jorge Capeans Vales

​General Council of Economists of Spain

​Alessandra Cerruti


​Deborah Fischer

​RSM Belgium

​Simon Gobert

​Royal DSM

​Kirsten Margrethe Hovi

​Norsk Hydro ASA

​Evgeniya Kyuchukova-Troanska

​SGI Europe

​Manuel Liotta

​Leonardo spa

​Gaizka Ormazabal

​IESE Business School

​Laura Palmeiro


​Sirkku Palmuaro

​Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority

​Martin Petrov

​Sofia International Securities JSC

​Sabrina Pucci

​Roma Tre University

​Valentina Rossi

​Mediobanca S.p.A.

​Thorsten Sellhorn

​LMU Munich School of Management

​Jeremy Stuber

​Newton Investment Management

​Cedric Tonnerre


​Leo van der Tas

​Tilburg University

​Anna Viefhues


​Virginie Vitiello

​Caisse des dépôts

​Isabella Widmer

​EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

​Carsten Zielke

​Zielke Research Consult GmbH


In addition to its members, the EFRAG CAP will also have observers from designated organisations. Observer status will also be offered to interested EFRAG Financial Reporting Board members and EFRAG Financial Reporting TEG members and observers.