Next possibility to join the EFRAG membership -sustainability reporting pillar

​EFRAG’s next General Assembly meeting in which new member organisations can admitted takes place on 21January 2022. Expressions of interest received by 14 January 2022 will be in time to be considered. Applications at a later stage will also be welcome! EFRAG invites all organisations, including civil society, to join its new sustainability reporting pillar. Read the call for expressions of interest and the briefing note on who qualifies for EFRAG membership.In the proposal for a CSRD, EFRAG is the technical advisor to the EC preparing draft European sustainability reporting standards. Commissioner McGuinness invited EFRAG to reform its governance integrating sustainability activities and a wide range of stakeholders in its governance bodies with an interest in sustainability reporting. 

​EFRAG seeks new member organisations in order to have a balanced representation for all stakeholders with an interest in corporate reporting in its new sustainability reporting pillar. Read the call for expressions of interest and the briefing note on who qualifies for EFRAG membership.

EFRAG is looking to broaden its existing European Stakeholders Organisations Chapter and National Organisations Chapter and to populate its new Civil Society Chapter reflecting EFRAG’s public-private partnership model:

  • European Stakeholder Organisations: preparers (corporates and financial institutions and asset managers); users, the accountancy profession and SMEs/SMPs
  • National Organisations: national authorities/ministries or national standard setters or other forms of bringing national stakeholders together (countries)
  • Civil Society: NGOs; academics; trade unions and consumer organisations

Read the complete call for expressions of interest for EFRAG membership and the briefing note.

The EFRAG General Assembly will decide on the admission of new EFRAG Member Organisations in its 21 January 2022 meeting. For the applications to be considered they should be submitted to EFRAG by 14 January 2022.

Later application for EFRAG membership is possible at any stage. However, early application allows new EFRAG Member Organisations to participate in the discussions on the EFRAG governance reform and nominate candidates for the new sustainability reporting bodies.

All applications must be submitted to

Further information can be obtained from the EFRAG Board President at or from the EFRAG CEO at