Programmes available now – 7 (Corporates) and 11 June (Financial institutions) EFRAG and IASB Educational sessions on IFRS 18

The programmes are now available for the upcoming EFRAG & IASB educational sessions on IFRS 18. The interactive webinars will introduce the main requirements and focus on certain requirements set out in IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements. Beside gaining a better understanding of the new requirements, the aim is to identify the resulting practical challenges.

  • ​On 7 June 2024 (10-13 CET), the IASB, EFRAG and BusinessEurope invite stakeholders to participate in a joint webinar to introduce IFRS 18 for corporates and to support them in its implementation. Register here, download the programme here, and consult the slides here.

  • On 11 June 2024 (9-12 CET), the IASB, EFRAG, European Association of Co-operating Banks (EACB), European Banking Federation (EBF), European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) and Insurance Europe invite stakeholders to participate in a joint webinar to introduce IFRS 18 for financial institutions, insurance companies and conglomerates and to support them in its implementation. Register here, download the programme here, and consult the slides here.

The audience will be able to contribute to the discussion through Q&A sessions. Both events are public and will be held online. A recording will be available on EFRAG’s website.

EFRAG is organising, jointly with the IASB and respectively BusinessEurope,
EACB, EBF, ESBG and Insurance Europe, two educational sessions for corporate and
financial institution stakeholders for the recently published IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial
Statements. The sessions may also provide input for the upcoming endorsement
process of IFRS 18 in Europe. The
selected topics will be presented and discussed with a panel of preparers.

These sessions will present the main requirements of IFRS 18 and discuss
how they apply to specific industries and situations, targeting concerns raised
by stakeholders during the (re)deliberation process. Practical challenges from
the new requirements will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity
to address their questions directly to the IASB.

The sessions will target:

  • Corporates, on 7 June 2024 from 10 to 13
    CET – joint event with the IASB, EFRAG and BusinessEurope; registration
  • Financial institutions, insurance companies
    and conglomerates
    , on 11 June 2024 from 9 to 12 CET – joint event with
    the IASB, EFRAG, EACB, EBF, ESBG and Insurance Europe; registration

The speakers of the sessions will include:

  • Webinar for corporates
    – Bertrand Perrin (IASB), Nick Barlow, Roanne Hasegawa, Juliane-Rebecca Upmeier
    (IASB technical staff), Michael Fechner (BusinessEurope), Kathrin Schöne (EFRAG),
    Andreas Gattung (Volkswagen), Francois Andreoli (Nestlé), Maciej Tuszkiewicz
    & Ewa Maruszewska (Welding Alloys Polska) and Lars Hamers (dsm-firmenich).
  • Webinar for financial institutions, insurance
    companies and conglomerate
    s – Hagit Keren and Florian Esterer (IASB), Nick
    Barlow, Roanne Hasegawa, Juliane-Rebecca Upmeier (IASB technical staff), Kathrin
    Schöne (EFRAG), Nicklas Grip (Svenska Handelsbanken AB), Ricardo Sánchez
    Fernández (EBF), Massimo Tosoni (Generali), Anna Vidal (CaixaBank), and Martin
    Svitek (Erste Group Bank AG).

The audience will be able to contribute to the discussion through
Q&A sessions. Both events are public and will be held online. A recording will be
available on EFRAG’s website.

A detailed programme and any further information about both events can
be found at the event page on our website below.

  • Educational session for corporates on 7 June 2024 here.
  • Educational session for financial institutions,
    insurance companies and conglomerates on 11 June 2024 here.

For questions, please contact EFRAG Financial Reporting
Project Director Kathrin
or EFRAG Financial
Reporting Senior Technical Manager Aleksandra Sivash.