Publication of unofficial translations of VSME ED in French, German and Italian

EFRAG is pleased to share that unofficial translated versions of the VSME ED are made available to support constituents to participate to the consultation and field test. 

​Unofficial translation of VSME ED in French and German are now available:

- Autorité des normes comptables (ANC) and Conseil national de l'ordre des experts-comptables (CNOEC) have co-developed an unofficial French translation of the VSME ED. Click here for the translated Exposure draft and here for the translated field test questionnaire.

- Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee e.V. (DRSC) has developed an unofficial German translation of excerpts of the VSME ED (disclosure requirements B1-B12, N1-N5 and BP1-BP11), that can be found here.

The Italian translation of the VSME ED will be shortly available, currently finalised by Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC).

Note: These translations are not official, they have not been reviewed nor approved by EFRAG. They aim to encourage more SMEs in engaging with the VSME ED and in participating in the related public consultation and field test, overcoming the language barrier.

EFRAG encourages other national standard setters to make available unofficial translations.

For more information on the VSME ED public consultation and field test, please click here.


EFRAG has been tasked to develop a voluntary standard for non-listed SMEs (VSME). This standard aims to be a simple reporting tool used by micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to monitor their sustainability performance and face growing and different ESG data requests from their business counterparts (i.e., banks, investors, or larger companies in the upstream value chain).

The EFRAG SRB approved the VSME ED on 29 November 2023. The Exposure Draft was issued on 22 January and the consultation period expires on 21 May 2024.