REMINDER - ​​EFRAG requests comments on its end-of-July-deadline consultation documents.

EFRAG kindly requests constituents’ comments to its consultation documents on IASB projects on rate-regulated activities and business combination under common control and EFRAG research project on crypto-assets. These documents have forthcoming end-of-July deadlines.​

EFRAG kindly requests constituents’ comments to the following consultation ​​documents with forthcoming end-of-July deadlines:

  • EFRAG Draft Comment Letter​ on the IASB Exposure Draft Re​​gulatory Assets and Regulatory Liabilities (EFRAG comment letter deadline 28 July 2021). You can comment on the draft comment letter by submitting a comment letter through the 'Comment publication' button in the original news item.

  • EFRAG Draft Comment Letter to the IASB Discussion Paper Business Combinations Under Common Control (EFRAG comment letter deadline 30 July 2021). You can comment on the draft comment letter by submitting a comment letter through the 'Comment publication' button in the original news item.

  • EFRAG Discussion Paper Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) (EFRAG comment letter deadline 31 July 2021). You can comment on Discussion Paper by submitting a comment letter through the 'Comment publication' button in the original news item or by responding to the survey related to the discussion paper (news item​).