Reporting standard setters get together- KAI to host April 2024 IFASS meeting

​The Korean Accounting Institute (KAI) will host the April 2024 meeting of the International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters (IFASS). Chiara Del Prete, IFASS and EFRAG SR TEG Chair, will chair this three-day meeting, taking place on 17, 18 and 19 April.This meeting will include standard-setters from 34 different jurisdictions worldwide to discuss topics related to financial reporting and sustainability reporting standard setting. 

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The International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters is a group of accounting standard-setters from around the world, plus other organisations, that have a close involvement in corporate reporting.

The meeting will be chaired by Chiara Del Prete, IFASS and EFRAG SR TEG Chair. She stated:

"I am excited for this IFASS meeting in Seoul, hosted by KAI, which brings together standard setters from 34 different jurisdictions around the globe to discuss the current developments and emerging trends, as well as key challenges, in both financial and sustainability reporting."

A summary report will be published in due course.

To receive more information, or to join IFASS, please send an email to

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Pictures credit: KAI