Save the date: 29 March 2022 - Joint EFRAG and EFFAS webinar on users' directions for better information on intangibles

EFRAG and EFFAS are hosting an online webinar on Tuesday 29 March 2022 12:00 - 14:30 (Brussels time) to discuss users’ directions for better information on intangibles. Download the "Save the date" and register here.

EFRAG and EFFAS are hosting a live webinar where users of financial statements will be discussing the directions for better information on intangibles.

In August 2021, EFRAG published a Discussion Paper Better Information on Intangibles – Which is the best way to go?. The Discussion Paper examines different approaches to enhance the current reporting and provide better information on intangibles:

  • Through recognition and measurement in the financial statements.
  • Through disclosures of information related to specific intangibles in the notes to the financial statements or in the management report.
  • Through disclosures of information on future-oriented expenses in the notes to the financial statements or in the management report.
  • Through disclosures on risk and opportunity factors.

These different approaches have all been identified based on input from users of financial statements.

On 29 March 2022, following a presentation of EFRAG’s Discussion Paper, users (and a few preparers) of financial statements will provide their views on these possible approaches.

Please register for the webinar here.

The 'Save the date' is available here.