Save the Date – ASCG outreach event on BCUCC with joint participation of EFRAG and the IASB

​EFRAG Project Director Kathrin Schöne will participate in a web-based​ outreach event organised by the German Standard Setter (ASCG) on the IASB’s Discussion Paper Business Combinations under Common Control. The event will take place on 7 June and is jointly held with the IASB and EFRAG. 

​The German Standard Setter (ASCG) organises​ a web-based outreach event with a joint participation of representatives from EFRAG, Project Director Kathrin Schö​ne, and the IASB on the IASB's​ Discussion Paper Business Combinations under Common Control.

​The event will be held on 7 June ​2021 from 13:30h to 17:00h ​and will cover the preliminary views of the Standard Setters and other participants on the provisions of the ​Discussion Paper​. The event will be conducted in German.​

To register your participatin in the event send an e-mail to: before 1 June 2021.

More information about the events can be found on the​ ​​ASCG website​.​​​