Unofficial translation of the VSME ED in Greek available now

​EFRAG is pleased to announce that, in addition to unofficial translations in German, French, Spanish and Italian, an unofficial translation of the VSME ED is now available in Greek, facilitating the participation of Greek-speaking constituents in the public consultation and field test. The document can be found here and has been translated by CSR Hellas and CSR Cyprus.An outreach event will also take place on 19 April  to discuss the VSME ED. More info here.

This translation is unofficial and has not been reviewed or approved by EFRAG. It aims to encourage more SMEs to engage and become familiarised with the VSME ED, having them participate in the related public consultation and field test and overcome the language barrier.

EFRAG encourages other national standard setters and organisations to make available unofficial translations.

For more information on the VSME ED public consultation and field test, please click here.


EFRAG has been tasked with developing a voluntary standard for non-listed SMEs (VSME). This standard aims to be a simple reporting tool used by micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to monitor their sustainability performance and to face growing and different ESG data requests from their business counterparts (i.e., banks, investors or larger companies in the upstream value chain).

The EFRAG SRB approved the VSME ED on 29 November 2023. The Exposure Draft was issued on 22 January 2024, and the consultation period expires on 21 May 2024.