Nicklas Grip is Senior Vice President and part of the management team of Group Finance within Svenska Handelsbanken, Sweden. He is head of the capital management department but also responsible for the monitoring of new accounting standards.

In that position, he has an active role within The European Bankers' Association (e.g. Chairman of the Interfederation Group on Fair Value Measurement) as well as a membership in the technical expert group of the Swedish Standard Setter (Swedish Financial Reporting Board). In the latter role he holds the chairmanship for the working groups for financial instruments, insurance and liabilities. Mr Grip is also a member of the Risk, Capital and Valuation Committees within Handelsbanken, as well as being the General Manager of the Groups two insurance captives.

End of term: March 2022.

Nicklas Grip

Working groups

EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group (EFRAG FIWG)