Norman Fisch is mandated by the Commission des normes comptables (CNC) du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. He is Secretary general of the INDR, the National Institute for Sustainability and CSR in Luxembourg, and Adviser for the UEL, Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises. He has developed the national CSR programme ESR-ENTREPRISE RESPONSABLE and is co-author of the Guide ESR, the CSR reference in Luxembourg. He is a member of the board of Responsibility Europe, the European network of leading CSR labels. As an active promoter of sustainability, he regularly lectures on related topics at, Miami University and House of Training. He held previous positions as Programme Manager at the National Research Fund, as Marketing Coordinator at Deloitte and as Head of Marketing at Saint-Paul Luxembourg. Norman has an MBA in Strategy Management, a post-graduate in Information Systems and a Bachelor in Marketing Management. He frequently follows training sessions related to international sustainability standards (GRI, ISO, etc) and has also attended the Creating Shared Value course at Harvard Business School.

Norman Fisch

Working groups

European Lab PTF on European sustainability reporting standards (PTF-ESRS) (no longer active)