In December 2023 the IASB decided to start the post-implementation review ("PIR") of IFRS 16 Leases in Q2 2024.
Such PIR provides a planned opportunity to assess questions about the new requirements, compared to other mechanisms which may identify questions on an ad hoc basis at any time. It provides an opportunity to consider the new requirements in their entirety and focuses on whether the new requirements are working as intended.
During the PIR, the IASB will assess the effect of IFRS 16 on users, preparers, auditors and regulators. More specifically, the IASB will assess whether:

  • the objectives of the standard-setting project have been met;
  • information provided by IFRS 16 is useful to users of financial statements;
  • the costs arising from IFRS 16 are broadly as expected by the IASB when it developed the Standard; and
  • the requirements are capable of being applied consistently.

These assessments will help the IASB determine what action, if any, it might take relating to IFRS 16. Possible actions include a standard-setting project, an agenda decision or education materials.The PIR is not intended to open redeliberation on points of disagreement on the Standard, unless there are new elements to consider - nor is it intended to lead to the resolution of every application question.
Each PIR has two phases where the IASB:

  • Phase 1: identifies matters to be examined (request for information);
  • Phase 2: considers the information gathered from the public consultation and publishes a report and feedback statement, including a summary of the finding and outline of next steps.

EFRAG preparatory workIn January 2024 EFRAG started its preparatory work in anticipation of the IASB IFRS 16 PIR request for information (‘RFI’). To that extent, and to develop a preliminary list of application issues arising from applying IFRS 16, EFRAG will:

  • organise meeting with different constituents (preparers, users, auditors, national standard setters, and academics);
  • review the existing literature and other publications, including previous discussions at IFRS IC (Interpretations Committee), ESMA’s enforcement decisions and academic studies;
  • launch online surveys to be addressed to preparers, auditors, national standard setters, regulators and users; and
  • interact closely with European national standard setters to identify issues in the implementation of IFRS 16 arising in their jurisdiction.

The preliminary result of the outreach was discussed in a public meeting on 14 May 2024 with EFRAG User Panel and EFRAG FR TEG.

The RFI is expected to be published by the IASB in the beginning of 2025.