Endorsement consultation

CL 01 Allianz - EFRAG DEA - Lack of exchangeability 2023.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL 02 GDV - EFRAG DEA - Lack of exchangeability 2023.pdf
Comment Letter Received
DEA - Amendments to IAS 21 Lack of Exchangeability.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
FEA - Amendments to IAS 21 Lack of Exchangeability - Endorsement advice letter to the EC.pdf
Endorsement Advice

Exposure draft consultation

CL01 - ASCG_EFRAG_lack_of_exchangeability_210715_rev.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL02 - ESMA32-61-469 CL to EFRAG on IAS 21 amendments.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL03 - OIC CL on DCL EFRAG ED IAS 21 2021 08 02 .pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL04 - ANC N° 37 -ED IAS21.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL05 - Acteo Afep Medef ED Lack of exchangeability .pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL06 - DASC response EFRAG DCL to ED_2021_4 Lack of Exchangeability_310821.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL07 - ICAC´s comment on EFRAG DCL ED 2021 4.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL08 - BusinessEurope L090121EDLackofExchangeability.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL09 - IASB Consultation_ED-2021-4_Feedback Allianz Group to EFRAG.pdf
Comment Letter Received
EFRAG Comment Letter - ED Lack of Exchangeability - 2021-09-14.pdf
Comment Letter
Draft comment letter
Lack of Exchangeability - EFRAG Feedback statement on DCL.pdf
Feedback statement - comments received