PAAinE - Conceptual framework


Research phase

Asset Definition Paper.pdf
Other EFRAG paper
CL01-PAAinE Framework-DP-ICAEW.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL02-PAAinE Framework-DP-UKASB.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL03-PAAinE Framework-DP-DASB.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL04-PAAinE Framework-DP-GASB.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL05-PAAinE Framework-DP-PvanWijck.doc
Comment Letter Received
CL06-PAAinE Framework-DP-GrantThornton.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL06a-PAAinE Framework-DP-GrantThornton.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL07-PAAinE Framework-DP-CRUF.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL07a-PAAinE Framework-DP-CRUF.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL08-PAAinE Framework-DP-FEE.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL09-PAAinE Framework-DP-FSR.doc
Comment Letter Received
CL10-PAAinE Framework-DP-PWC.doc
Comment Letter Received
CL11-PAAinE Framework-DP-OIC.doc
Comment Letter Received
CL12-PAAinE Framework-DP-100Group.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL12a-PAAinE Framework-DP-100GrouptoIASB.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL13-PAAinE Framework-DP-QCA.pdf
Comment Letter Received
PAAinE - Framework Discussion Paper.pdf
Proactive paper
PAAinE Paper - The Needs of Users of Financial Information - May 2009.pdf
Proactive paper
Summary of Comments Received.pdf
Feedback statement - comments received