
01 - Fédération Française de l'Assurance - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
02- Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
03 - IIRC - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
04 - DASB- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
05 - Delphine Gibassier- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
06 - European Accounting Association - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
07 - PTF-RNFRO - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
08 - ICAEW - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
09 - Aurélie Faure-Schuyer- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
10 - CDSB - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
11 - Allianz - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
12 - ASCG - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
13- EFAA- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
14- Accountancy Europe- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
15 - SASB - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
16- FESE - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
17- MEDEF- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
18 - ESBG - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
19 - EUMEDION - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
20 - WWF- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
21 - AFEP - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
22- Deloitte - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
23- Liviu Cotora - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
24- EY - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
25- Société Générale - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
26- EBF - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
27- PWC - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
28- AFRAC - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
29- OIC - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
30- GDV - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
31- Nicolas d’Hautefeuille and Jean-Philippe Dorp - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
32- ACCA- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
33- Insurance Europe Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
34- Fondazione OIBR- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
35- WICI Europe- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
36- EFFAS- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
37- Dr Amama Shaukat - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
38- Danish Funding Mechanism - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
39- Frank Bold and Shift Project - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
40- PRI - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
41- GRI- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
42- EURELECTRIC- Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
43- EACB - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
44- AECA - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
45- CNC (Luxembourg) - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
46- ICAC - Response to the Consultation Document.pdf
Comment Letter Received
JPG Ad Personam Mandate - Consultation Document - 30 Nov 2020.pdf
Preliminary consultation document

Research phase

CL01- WBCSD - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL02- Federation Française de l'Assurance - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL03- EFFAS - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL04- Alfredo Romano - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL05- Principles for Responsible Investment - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL06- The Stakeholder Reporting Committee of the European Accounting Association - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL07- Polish Bank Association - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL08- WICI Europe - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL09- WWF - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL10- ESBG- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL11- Delphine Gibassier- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL12- Christoph Toepfer- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL13- MAIF- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL14- Timo Punkari- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL15- CDSB - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL16- ICAEW- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL17- ACCA- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL18- JBCE- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL19- Insurance Europe- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL20- CNC (Luxembourg)- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL21- Danish Funding Mechanism - Position paper used as a response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL22- PTF RNFRO - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL23-SHIFT - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL24- Société Générale - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL25- GRI - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL26 Filip Gregor - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL27 CDP Europe - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL28 Fondazione O.I.B.R. - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL29 EFAA - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL30- EACB - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL31- Yasmine Moezinia (HM Treasury)- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL32- AFRAC- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL33- EBF- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL34- Sigurt Vitols- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL35- EY - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL36- OIC- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL37- IIRC - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL38- Deloitte - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL39- Grant Thornton - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL40- AFEP- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL41- EuropeanIssuers- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL42- Allianz- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL43- ICAC- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL44- MEDEF- response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL45- Accountancy Europe - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL46- AF2i - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
CL47- Swedish Financial Reporting Board - response to questionnaire on EFRAG Governance.pdf
Comment Letter Received
JP Gauzes letter on ad Personam Non-Financial Reporting mandate.pdf
Preliminary consultation document
Preliminary Report on Ad Personam Mandate - 6 November 2020.pdf
Other EFRAG paper


Jean-Paul Gauzès - Ad Personam Mandate - Feedback Statement - Published.pdf
Other Document from External Party
Jean-Paul Gauzès - Ad Personam Mandate - Final Report - Published.pdf
Other Document from External Party