EFRAG Research Project Goodwill - Impairment and Amortisation



CL 201 - Accountancy Europe - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 202 - KBC - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 203 - BNP Paribas - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 204 - CRUF - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 205 - ACTEO - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 206 - AFRAC - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 207 - OIC - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 208 - CNC - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 209 - Muhammad Hadidjaja - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 210 - ASCG - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 211 - Insurance Europe - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 212 - GDV - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 213 - SEAG - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 214 - DASB - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test.pdf
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CL 215 - PwC - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 216 - Business Europe - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 217 - EFFAS- EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 218 - ANC - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 219 - ICAC - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 220 - DP - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 221 - Mazars - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL 222 - SFAF - EFRAG DP Goodwill Impairment Test 2017.pdf
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CL01 - GDV.pdf
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CL02 - Deutsche Telekom.pdf
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CL03 - CFA UK.pdf
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CL04 - FEE.pdf
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CL05 - UniCredit.pdf
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CL06 - Swedish Financial Reporting Board.pdf
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CL07 - ICAC.pdf
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CL08 - DASB.pdf
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CL09 - Swedish Enterprise Accounting Group.pdf
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CL10 - Federation Bancaire Francaise.pdf
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CL11 - The 100 Group.pdf
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CL12 - Deloitte.pdf
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CL13 - Societe Generale.pdf
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CL14 - ICAEW.pdf
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CL15 - ENEL.pdf
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CL16 - Astaldi.pdf
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CL17 - Intesa San Paolo.pdf
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CL18 - ICAP.pdf
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CL19 - Japanese Business Federation - translation from Japanese original.pdf
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CL20 - JICPA - translation from Japanese original.pdf
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CL21 - CRUF.pdf
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CL22 - SFAF.pdf
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CL23 - Insurance Europe.pdf
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CL24 - Acteo.pdf
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CL25 - AFRAC.pdf
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CL26 - Business Europe.pdf
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CL27 - AIAF - translation from Italian original.pdf
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CL28 - SAAJ - translation from the Japanese original.pdf
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CL29 - ANC.pdf
Comment Letter Received
DP Should Goodwill still not be amortised - Research Group paper.pdf
Proactive paper
EFRAG Quantitative Study Goodwill - September 2016.pdf
Proactive paper
Feedback Statement - Discussion Paper on Accounting and Disclosure for Goodwill.pdf

Research phase

Goodwill Impairment Test Can it be improved.pdf
Proactive paper