The European Corporate Reporting Lab @ EFRAG (European Lab)

The European Lab was established by EFRAG, following the call by the European Commission in its March 2018 Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth. The European Lab serves the European public interest and its objective is to stimulate innovation in the field of corporate reporting in Europe by identifying and sharing good reporting practices through:

  • Facilitating dialogue between reporting companies, users and other relevant stakeholders and organisations; and

  • Documenting the content and outcomes of this dialogue in reports and other means, for making them available in the public domain.

​​Short video introducing the European Lab​​​

​Agenda of the European Lab

The first project of the European Lab was set by the European Commission to be on climate-related reporting.

On 18 July 2019 a public consultation was launched on the European Lab future agenda, requesting input to be provided by 30 September 2019. The consultation proposed future project topics and saught views on their prioritisation. It also saught input on any possible alternative project that would be more important and urgent for the European Lab to undertake than the projects proposed.

Roundtable event
A roundtable event was hosted by EFRAG on 10 September 2019, for stakeholders to provide input and exchange views with European Lab SG members on the future agenda of the European Lab.

Feedback statement

The results of the public agenda consultation were summarised in a feedback statement. A vast majority of respondents supported a project on Reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and linkage to the business model as the next priority for the European Lab. The European Lab Steering Group will decide at a later stage on a subsequent project for the European Lab, taking into account the results from the agenda consultation, lessons learned from the experience of the first European Lab projects and developments in reporting practices.​

Conference on Fostering Innovation in Corporate Reporting

To mark the launch of the European Lab, a high-level conference on Fostering Innovation in Corporate Reporting took place in the afternoon of 5 March 2019 in Brussels. For more information, including a summary report and audio-visual materials, see the related meeting page.